Flexible Packages for Any Budget
The skills you need to reach your next horizon are at your fingertips.
Royalty-based pricing is a practical adjustment to aid my indie authors.
Yes, it is odd, but what can I say, so am I.
I will edit the first ten percent so
you get a feel for my
Upto 10k
24-48 hours
$7 per k
+ 10% royalties
Highly Negotiable
I can't always get what I want,
but I love editing with a passion!
via PayPal or SnailMail
Deep Edit - 1 month
This is the package that everyone knows and loves!
The Process of My Most
Popular Package:
Before I do anything I turn on track changes and save your file with a unique name. Confident that your original work is protected, I make two passes of suggestions to improve your work. With a voracious and encyclopedic curiosity, I draw upon everything I know and everything I can learn to make your work the best it can be. Once complete, you can accept, reject, or rewrite any of the changes I've made as well as add your final touches. Then I complete a final pass to ensure everything is the best I can make it. If I feel strongly about an edit that you reject, I will make a second suggestion as well as explain my reasons in both technical and laymans' terms so that you can make an informed decision about how you would like to proceed.
Beta - 1 week
One round of light edits upto 150,000 words
Yes betas are free.
I only beta when I have the time.
If you love my work,
~consider buying me dinner!~
Tell me what you want, and I'll do everything I can to make it happen
Previous Requests:
Tell me what's wrong; I'll fix it.
Just fix it; I don't care why.
I'm not using MS Word.*
Superfast turn around
*Acrobat requires $25 up front.
Scrivner may be possible.
Talk to me; we can work something out that will make us both happy.
NOTE: After we have both stared at a book until our eyes bug, a fresh pair of eyes is paramount for proofreading. Although I can arrange for proofreading, the quality improves when any avid reader notes the few remaining imperfections in larger works.